
Diplomatdörrar offers doors for all needs and tastes. A door from Diplomat combines the tradition of craftsmanship with innovation and today’s modern demands on quality.

Diplomat is investing in a new digital strategy to generate more business and increase its influence with retailers. The goal was a website that captures the consumer early in the buying process, and keeps control all the way to purchase. The website had to generate traffic, educate the consumer and convert a maximum of visitors into leads. All with measurability and follow-up to continuously develop the result.

The website was produced in co-operation with HelloSwe and Elfving IMC, using a completely new methodology. The basic structure was based entirely on advanced search engine analysis, to make the site both user-friendly and search engine friendly. An easy-to-navigate product range, useful tips and practical features refine the visitor and bring them closer to a purchase decision. The focus is on driving visitors towards retailers, with measurement at every step. Statistics have been analysed continuously, creating improvements, features and campaigns. The result has been greatly increased traffic and also greatly increased conversion.

Contact us if you want to learn more about this case!